Patient Feedback
Feedback from our Patients and Clients is something that we at Savoy Ventures find incredibly helpful. It gives us an opportunity to thank those members of staff with high performance. However, it also aids in the identification of ways in which we can improve the service that we provide to our patients, who we care about greatly.
They were such a caring crew, who clearly understand the needs of their patient. They were always keen to help!
~Comments from a Patient describing one of our Crews
November 2018
We are very impressed with how you are dealing with the high number of discharged recently. Well done.
~Comments from one of our Clients
January 2019
One of my relatives travelled with the service, and she reported that he made her feel very comfortable throughout her journey home after receiving treatment at Guy's Hospital. Thank you for being caring, attentive and accommodating to her needs.
~Comments from a Patient's relative describing one of our Crews
October 2018
~A Letter from a Patient describing their experience
January 2018
~A Letter from a Patient describing their experience
November 2019